BeWILDerwood’s Glowing Lantern event to return #Blog

Victoria Hayes
12th September 2023

This autumn, a magical procession will make a comeback to a popular tourist destination in Cheshire.
With a brand-new special offer, BeWILDerwood will once more present its enthralling glowing lantern parade in October.
Tickets for the parade, which will illuminate the forest near Bickley Moss, are now discounted by 50%.
The theme park is offering a wonderful Halloween event that family can enjoy together, according to a spokesman.
“This is a magical Hallowe’en event for the entire family to enjoy,” they declared.

“See the woods in a whole new light as you enter after dusk and use your glowing lantern to guide your way through the woods.

“Discover curious characters, spot peculiar pumpkins, marvel at magical lights, make jokes with the BeWILDerbats, and lots more.

“But don’t fret; it’s spooky, not scary.” 

This experience, which costs £12.50 per person, promises to be enthralling for families.

The Glorious Glowing Lantern Parade will take place on October 14 and 15, as well as every evening from October 19 through October 31, including half-term, starting on Thursday.

Wheelchair users, caretakers, and children under 92 cm tall are all welcome for free.

There will be scheduled arrivals between 6 and 7 o’clock.

Tickets for this unique evening event are available for purchase on the BeWILDerwood website. CLICK HERE TO BOOK

Making a reservation in advance is necessary because this is a separate ticketed event.

You must make separate reservations if you want to see the performance during the day and the parade in the evening.

Annual pass holders can get 15% off tickets for this special event when purchasing them online.


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