Cheshire Pub Co. announce ‘Mission Complete’ as The Space Invader opens its doors in Goostrey. #News

Victoria Hayes
14th November 2022

Cheshire Pub Co. officially landed into the village of Goostrey this week with the launch of The Space Invader.


While in relative terms the launch is another small step in the right direction for the Cheshire Pub Co. portfolio, comparatively, The Space Invader looks to be a giant leap for the village of Goostrey, who raised their glasses in cheers on Wednesday to a pub they thought they had lost.


Villagers from Goostrey and surrounding areas were openly invited to the launch via post and social media, where early goers enjoyed a complimentary first drink and nibbles from the bar and live music to mark the event.


But any fears the management might have had of a “quiet launch” were soon dispelled when crowds turned up for the official opening and packed the pub until a late hour.


Cheshire Pub Co. stepped in earlier this year and bought the centuries-old inn formerly known as the Red Lion. It was feared that it could have been shut for good, after it went up for sale earlier this year (with rumours of a potential housing development). 


The Space Invader seeks to pay homage to its near neighbour, the iconic giant Jodrell Bank radio telescope, and its founder Sir Bernard Lovell. The pub hopes to restore lost connections to the village and community, which in the 18th century sold beer to residents and passing travellers and was the first to host the historic Goostrey Gooseberry Show.


The decor embraces old-time pictures from the Goostrey Parish Archive of events and residents from the past, as well as images of Jodrell Bank from its early beginnings.


This latest acquisition of The Space Invader makes it venture number six for Cheshire Pub Co. and adds to the existing, Frozen Mop at Mobberley, The Ship Inn, Styal, The Churchill Tree on the Alderley Park estate near Alderley Edge, the Crown and Conspirator and their recently launched vegan venture, Otto Vegan Empire, both in Bramhall Village. 


Managing Director, Matt Parker says “that ‘The Space Invader’ will be a community pub, which will serve proper pub food and an honest pint, drawing from local suppliers and local produce while creating around twenty-five new jobs for the area.”


Managing behind the bar is a familiar face, Chris Jennings, who was previously at the Crown Inn when it was originally revamped with a partner by the Space Invader’s new owner, Simon Kalton of the Cheshire Pub Co.. Simon states “this newest venture will be a Cheshire venue in tune with a traditional country pub. “


While the name may have caused initial controversy, The Space Invader has already settled in well. Jenny Bufton, Head of Brand for Cheshire Pub Co. states how “The Space Invader is more than just a name, it’s a memory. And whether that memory is an old book, an old game or family dish, our pubs will recreate those warming feelings of nostalgia again and again.. because that’s just what we do”. 


Image credits @yasminthomasphotography

The Space Invader Social Media @thespaceinvadergoostrey

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