Each pair of tickets is worth Β£55 which means that over Β£8,000 of tickets are being given away.
Each pair admits two adults. You may use an adult ticket to admit a child, but there must be at least one adult in every party. Under 5s go free.
Please choose your preferred day and fill in your details to enter the ballot. You can only select one day so choose carefully.
We will close the ballot at 1700 on August 5th August 2020 and randomly select 50 entries for each day to win a pair of tickets. We will contact the successful applicants within 48 hours of the draw. If you do not hear from us by then you have not won.
We are running this ballot on trust and by applying you are self certifying that you meet the criteria of being a Key Worker or member of NHS staff. We regard Key Workers as being members of the emergency services, education workers, government and council workers, religious staff, delivery workers, retail & supermarket staff, transport workers, utilities workers and anyone who worked on the front line during the pandemic.
We will not check your employment. If you are the Chairman of ICI or own an airline please do not apply.
Our decision is final and the tickets have no alternative monetary value. Please only apply if you intend to come to the event. Winning tickets and then not using them is not fair to the others who enter the ballot. You can only enter once per email address. If we receive multiple entrances from the same address we will only accept the first entrance.
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