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Easter Sunday 31st, we are holding our second event of the year!
We will be opening our doors at 11am for this special day!
This is an ALL DAY EVENT so be sure to make the most of everything we have going on throughout the day!
We will be holding an Easter Egg hunt outdoors for all ages to enjoy! (Start time around 11.30am)
We will have BOTH our Bouncy Castles up, there will be games for little ones to take part in, and we’ll have a crafts table full of Easter crafts to get creative with!
There will also be an Easter Bonnet Competition, create your own Easter Bonnet’s and the winner will receive an Easter Treat!
As well as many other activities to take part in!
Lastly but surely not least we have a very special guest ‘swinging’ by to join us in all the action!
‘With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility’
Do you think you can guess who the superhero is?!