Victoria Hayes
18th August 2021

Skip into Summer with Kingdom’s Vodka….

A brand new premium grain vodka has arrived in Cheshire!

Kingdom’s vodka is six times distilled and charcoal filtered for a smooth exceptional taste. The perfect base for a cocktail or to be enjoyed on its own.

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Kingdom Recommends will be launching their super special new product at Chester Food and Drink Festival this August Bank Holiday weekend!

The stunning African Elephant is the face of the Vodka, it is a gentle giant, the earth’s largest mammal and perhaps the most enduring symbol of nature’s grace and fragility.
Family and friendship bind the herd together embracing their own spirit of ‘Ubuntu’. Africa is blessed to be a place they call home.
It’s said an elephant never forgets, just like they’ll never forget their roots and heritage. 

Ubuntu – I am because we are

Ubuntu is a South African term meaning ‘humanity to others’ and also translates into ‘I am what I am because of who we all are’.

It’s the capacity in African culture to express compassion, reciprocity, dignity, harmony and humanity in the interests of building and maintaining community, with justice and mutual caring.

Who is Kingdom?

Kingdom is an established Cheshire Businessman, owning and operating bars and restaurants in the Chester area. Kingdom is well known locally and nationally throughout the hospitality industry. He has appeared on ITV and BBC many times to share his views on environmental factors which impact the industry such as the decline in footfall on local high streets and more recently, the impact of COVID-19.

Kingdom is the owner operator of Taste Cheshire venues The Suburbs, The Yard and The Old Dukes. Three venues we completely love.

Kingdoms Recommends began with a seriously stunning and now award winning range of gins. The vodka is only the start of expanding their range, so watch this space!

Check them all out and ORDER some now here: – Kingdom Recommends

or Come and check out Kingdom’s Gin and Vodka at Chester Food and Drink Festival at Chester Racecourse, 28th, 29th and 30th August.

For more information head to

Kingdom Recommends

Our gin is made of hope, of dreams and of belief together we are stronger. "Ubuntu". All our Gin's are Handcrafted and small batch produced.

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