The Great British Food Festival is coming to a venue near you! #Blog

Taste Cheshire
15th January 2015

The Organisers of the popular Great British Food Festivals are looking for the best of local and regional producers to join their events in 2015.

The events are held at stunning venues around the midlands and north, all in the grounds of historic houses like Hardwick Hall in Derbyshire and Harewood House in Yorkshire โ€“ They have events in Lancashire, Derbyshire, Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Cumbria, Warwickshire and Cheshire, see for your nearest venue and more info.

The recipe for the festivals, well take over 80 top local producers, a big serving of stunning hot food, real ale and wine bars, add a dash of craft and gift stalls, lots of activities and rides for the kids, top chef demos from the likes of Great British Bake Off Stars and stir in a cake competition and the popular Men Vโ€™s Food, with lashings of excellent live music and mix together to make a lovely foodie family day out.

The Great British Food Festivals showcase the best in British food and drink, with over 70,000 people attending the events in 2014 the aim to raise the bar again with all the best local and award winning producers exhibiting. If you would like more info email [email protected].


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