Taking some time to ThinK (Wine Group) – Taste Cheshire Superstars #Blog

Victoria Hayes
24th March 2020

During this shutdown we thought it was a good chance to take stock and have a little chat with our members. We want to tell you all about what makes them tick and offer you a behind the scenes look at our Taste Cheshire Superstars.

Today we begin with ThinK Wine Group. 

For those of you who aren’t familiar, ThinK wine Group was set up with one aim in mind…to be able to drink delicious bubbly prosecco, without ruining all the good work achieved at the gym!

The idea was born and following much research, it evolved into a range of delicious lower sugar wines and prosecco. These have the added bonus of being organic and vegan, meaning that you can not only enjoy a delightful drink, but you are also entitled to feel a little smug whilst doing so! Their iconic ThinK Prosecco has a perfect blend of flavours with only 0.67g of sugar per glass.

So let’s meet the team….Katherine, She’s the boss. Katherine says that real superstars of her business are her team, Michelle, Kate, Caroline and Adam. These guys have been with her for more than two years and she is everyday amazed and inspired by their positive and upbeat attitudes.

Right now they are all working from home on laptops but regularly checking in with each other via Zoom.

They are taking this time apart seriously but most importantly pulling together to keep an amazing attitude and find more creative ways to keep the business running.

The ThinK team are using this time to strategise and come up with a fully ecommerce-based marketing plan. They are revamping their Facebook and Instagram advertising and putting a massive focus on making their website perfect. They have come up with some great ideas already (lots of brainstorming via zoom ) and are doing a little rebranding.

The team does admit though, the shutdown situation has not all been positive. They really feel for their stockists who have been forced to close. Not only does it mean their friends and colleagues in the industry are out of work but it has ended a major stream of revenue for them.  The team feel really lucky to already have an online store which does really well to focus on for the foreseeable future  and they are trying to utilise this as much as they can. Not everyone in their business is set up this way, which puts them ahead of the curve.

ThinK wine group want everyone to know they are still selling online, so you can get yours delivered to the safety of your own home. PLUS, if you pop over to the website today there’s up to 30% off and FREE UK DELIVERY.

They will be back in pubs, bars and restaurants in due course, but in the meantime, they hope everyone will stay safe and well and they look forward to throwing the party to end all parties when they return!

Upon reflection, a little good has come from this shutdown as it has given them the chance to stop work and take a moment of peace to reflect. They can look at their brand in details and fix what needs fixing, update what needs updating and improve things that need improving.

They have already decided on a few branding changes and they are excited to perfect their brand and marketing strategy in future.

We can’t wait to see what they come up with!! 

`You can buy their lower calorie Prosecco here and we also thoroughly recommend their pink!

Oh and one more thing….after the shutdown, watch out for a brand new product!!

Private: Think Wine Group

“Half the day I wonder if it’s too late for coffee. The other half I wonder if it’s too early for Prosecco”

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