The Chester Negroni Trail #Blog

Briony Wilson
13th September 2021

The Negroni is the fourth most searched cocktail in the UK, and consistently one of the top three best-selling classic cocktails worldwide.

A whole week to celebrate Italy’s iconic cocktail starts on 13 September

Running this year from 13-19th September 2021, Negroni Week is also a great time to try unique twists on the classic cocktail. Whether you prefer the original recipe or with a contemporary twist, it’s time to reacquaint yourself with this elegant little number!

What makes a classic Negroni?

Negronis are traditionally equal parts gin, Campari and sweet vermouth.  Purportedly invented at Caffè Casoni in Florence, Italy, when Count Camillo Negroni asked for a bolder retelling of the Americano cocktail, with gin replacing soda water.

Of course, in Chester, we love to embrace the quirky and unique – so we have created our very own Negroni trail in our beautiful, Roman city.

Artezzan Restaurant and Bar

We love Artezzan’s Mediterranean vibes…

Can you get more chilled than this Negroni? They may be the new kid on the block but they love to lead the way. They have already earned their place as one of Chester’s most popular venues. Artezzan oozes quality and sophistication – as does their Negroni. Made with Gin Mare, Campari and Antica Formula vermouth, Stunning!



When it comes to the details, Barlounge are the kings and queens of the cocktails. They’ve been perfecting their exacting methodology for 21 years, and are never afraid to put a new twist on an old classic. This Pink Grapefruit Negroni uses Whitley Neil, Asterley Brothers and Campari. But if you want to try other versions, just ask the staff as they have been competing amongst themselves to create the ultimate Negroni!






The Suburbs

A good Negroni comes from truly great ingredients. These guys are such huge gin lovers, the owner made his own gin to make it super special.

Try their Negroni, made with this superb quality and locally sourced gin at The Suburbs, and buy a bottle of Kingdom Recommends’ Orange gin to keep making them at home.





Dutton’s Chester

Dutton’s have their own take on the Negroni, which is unusual,  and magical!

The Negroni Sbagliato, pronounced ‘spal-yacht-oh’ meaning mistake in Italian. This drink was first created when Mirko Stocchetti accidentally reached for a bottle of spumante instead of gin. It’s definitely not a mistake in our eyes, so let’s drop the gin and add some fizz.



NEGRONI WEEK is just one of the campaigns featured as part of Chester Food and Drink month, which is organised in conjunction with We Love Good Times and kindly sponsored by The Townhouse Secret Garden, QBunk and Destination Chester. For more information about the sponsors and the Chester Food and Drink Month 2021, please head to


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